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The Art of Feminine Embodiment

As a facilitator of feminine embodiment, I am here to support you on your healing journey and guide you through discovering a deeper connection to your womb space. Through guided meditation, somatic release work, visualizations, and source movements, you will discover your pathway to a more self empowered you, ready to manifest and embody your souls purpose.
As women, we are at our greatest place of strength when we are fully embodied in our feminine power. Unfortunately, due to cultural indoctrination and different kinds of trauma that women have faced through the generations, there is a massive disconnection between women and the embodiment of their full power and being.
When I say "full power" I am referring to a women who is fully connected to source through their womb space, which is the natural and infinite connection to source that every women who was born as female has within them. This infinite connection to source is a sacred portal through which we as women can access and connect to our joy, our passions, and our purpose. From this place we can we can be guided into truly manifesting our greatest visions and dreams.
In order to connect to this sacred portal, we must first be willing to dive deep into the places that hold our fears, traumas, and shadow selves in order to allow for healing to take place, which is a journey that every women is on in their own way.
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